Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The reason behind my fitness goals

I am very sore today from over doing it yesterday with my workout.  So this made me think that it would be a good topic to discuss.  I have pretty much always had a pretty nice figure.  I haven't been what you would consider skinny since high school.  Once I hit my 20's I developed a nice hour glass figure complete with hips, a butt and c-cup boobs.  Although my weight has fluctuated over the years, it has stayed within about 10 pounds.  Since any extra weight tended to go into my hips, butt or boobs, most people didn't notice any gain.  The last time I had to go on a fitness rampage was when I got engaged in 2005.  At that time I was the heaviest I had ever been weighing 155 and wearing a size 8.  Two things made me go on a mission to loose weight - one was the fact I had to fit into a size 2 wedding dress and two was the fact I was getting back fat (ick.)  I lost over 20 lbs in time for my wedding and was able to keep off the weight, that is until I moved to Minnesota.

As I mentioned before, I moved in February.  It was pretty cold, at least the first few weeks and I ate non-stop!  My aunt kept joking that I was eating her out of house and home.  Then there was all the fried foods and 2 for 1 and 3 for 1 beer specials.  I had not been much of a drinker prior to moving here, but there isn't a whole lot else to do.  I was warned by a co-worker about the beer and the weight I would put on, but I dismissed it.  That was until 6 months after moving here I realized I had gone up 6 dress sizes.  I went from a size 6 to a size twelve.  I weighed 170 lbs!!!!! Oh and I'm 5'6.  The weight distributed much differently than before.  The biggest thing was I was now squishy! Yes squishy! That had never happened before.  Back fat was bad enough, but squishy was horrible.  Squishy in case you don't know is when you have rolls and you can see the fat!  So in July I started to make a conscious effort of what I was eating.  I did pretty good considering I wasn't working out at all.  I got down to 156 by the end of August. 

Then a couple things happened.  At the beginning of September I became single again.  This wasn't a huge thing because whether I am single or in a relationship I try to stay the same weight.  Also no matter what weight I am if a guy doesn't like it he can go pound sand.  Of course I say that, but what I say next is gonna make me look like a total hypocrite. A couple weeks after I became single, a new manager started at work.  He was in his 40's, talked a lot of  b.s., was good looking, coincided and a player.  Totally the guy I normally go for. Keep in mind I don't like relationships, so this kind of guy is perfect - no commitment.  Anyways, I was talking to him one day and he said he only dates 25 year olds and younger because they have more energy.  This pissed me off for numerous reasons.  One I took it as a personal rejection and two I have been having a hard time dealing with the fact I just turned 30. I can run circles around most 20 year olds, well at least in the bedroom, but that isn't something a guy knows from looking at you, all he notices is your figure and then hopes for the best I guess. 

So this incident motivated me to start working out.  I have been doing pretty good.  Not as well as I would like, but my life has been getting in the way.  Plus it's been hot and I hate working out when it's hot.  I am now down to 148 and a size 8.  I want to get down to 130 to 135 and be a size 4 to 6.  The biggest thing is I want to look great in a bikini and have a toned body.  I don't want to loose my curves or be a stick figure.  I haven't had fast food in 2 months or any sweets.  I refuse to give up my mountain dew though and I'm hoping I can reach my goals without having to.  I did take about a week hiatus from my work out routine but I think I'm back on track now.

The thing that drives me crazes is how guys go after 25 years olds and under which I call youngens.  I believe it's for a couple different reasons. They typically have tight bodies, they make guys feel good about themselves, but most importantly they are naive and put up with crap older women won't.  What I don't understand is that a youngen can't be as good in bed as someone with more experience.  Who cares if they make you feel good about yourself if they suck in bed?  It's not like your gonna marry them.  So why not try to find someone that is attractive and experienced?  Why, probably goes back to my original answer, because someone older is gonna see through your b.s.  There is probably also the fact that someone older is probably gonna want more than a roll in the sheets.  Just cause I'm 30 and have no desire to be married or be in a really serious relationship doesn't mean all women are that way.  Of course I know I am different from most women in numerous ways, which is part of the reason I get so frustrated.  A person should be judged individually, not lumped into a group becausee of age.

Of course I am such a hypocrite, because from the age of 19 to the age of about 25 I always dated someone that was at least 20 years older than myself.  I did it because I didn't wanna be in a committed relationship and I knew I was in no danger of guy falling in love with me and wanting to get married if he was 20 years my elder.  I also did it because I wanted to learn as much about sex as possible.   And sub-consciously I probably did it because I have daddy issues.  So I have a lot of nerve being annoyed with guys now when I did the same thing. My only reasoning is I was not a normal youngen, I was wise beyond my years.  O.k., yes I know that is such b.s., sorry it goes with being a carsales person.  I guess I'm just bitter because I don't fall into the yougen category and am now at the point where I can only date so much older.  I won't date younger because I refuse to train and I just can't deal with the immaturity. 

Unfortunately, I have only been able to hook up with youngens since I moved to Minnesota.  The only decent lay I have had in Minnesota is my ex-boyfriend, but he had way too much baggage and he was only 27. Trying to find a guy that is over 30 and still single is extremely difficult out here. Well, hopefully once I'm at my body and weight goals, I will have better luck finding a hot older guy to hook up with.

So I went on a little tangent, but I feel better now. 

Have a great night!

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